Small Mouth Bass

Fish for Smallmouth Bass on the Clearwater River or Dworshak Reservoir

Small mouth bass underwaterThe Clearwater River offers some of the best small-mouth bass fishing in Idaho.  We target the bass by fishing out of our drift boats with either spinning equipment or pulling poppers on the surface with a fly rod.  

The Dworshak Reservoir sits behind the 3rd highest dam in the United States and is where the Idaho state record smallmouth bass was caught, weighing in at 9.7 lbs.  Enjoy the comfort of our jet sled as you visit different sections of the lake in search of trophy size small-mouth bass.

We offer trips for smallmouth bass fishing from August to September.

The Flying B exceeds expectations! An outstanding service experience every phone call, meal had, bird seen, dog point, shot taken.  The…

Todd G.